
Earl Cooks Cassava Cookies - AGAIN

Cassava Cookies SECOND TRY!
As anyone knows who has read my posts here, I am NOT a baker. I consider baking the SCIENCE of cooking...all the measuring and weighing - UGH! But while shopping st Sprouts I saw something that I wanted to try - CASSAVA FLOUR. In my quest to cut carbs, I have read EVERY label on EVERY food product. I had no idea what cassava flour was and in fact, I had never heard of it. The package made it sound good because it had a recipe, so I bought a package. I have since researched it and discovered that it is the root from which we get TAPIOCA! I also learned that must be processed correctly to remove the CYANIDE it contains naturally! But the package had a simple recipe for chocolate chip cookies and I have not had any lately.

First Attempt: Chocolate chip dough domes!
My first attempt at these cookies, and in fact baking cookies,  looked much different than a cookie. This looks like perfect balls of dough, but it is, in fact, COOKED! Yes these are the BAKED cookies! They tasted fine to me, though my wife did not care for the texture. I altered the recipe a bit to accommodate the ingredients I had on hand.
I substituted Monk Fruit Sweetener for Coconut Sugar, which is why they are very light in color. I fixed that in the next try (see top photo) and found that coconut sugar is much like brown sugar in both color and sweetness, and not too bad price wise.

Second attempt: Tastes good but low-carb?
Not so much!
My second attempt was very chocolate chip cookie-like, and I even got an offer to buy some! My wife still didn't care for the flavor, so on my 3rd attempt I will use MILK chocolate chips (even though they have a few more carbs), which I will account for by using Almond Flour. I discovered that Cassava flour is okay for those on a gluten free diet, but has a bunch of carbs. I live and learn!

Is the THIRD time the charm...NOPE! As mentioned, I substituted Almond Flour for Cassava Flour and guess what? My wife thinks I needed more. flour. There is not a 1:1 ratio! The plus side was that they tasted GREAT! In fact my daughter said they didn't taste like LOW CARB and I totally agree. My wife is still not convinced, but she makes terrific cookies and is a great baker so I am not really trying for that level, just something I can eat and I found it! Since these didn't look like cookies, I cut them into small squares, like min-brownies! Let's hope the fourth time is the charm! 

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