
Earl Cooks A Ham Scram—an EGG-Speriment

I tried something somewhat new for me today. I diced up some of the last Thanksgiving glazed ham and added eggs to create what I am calling a 'Ham Scram'. It is basically a crust-less frittata with only 2 ingredients and it was just right for lunch.
Since it was an EGG-Speriment, I learned a couple of things NOT to do as well as what was good, which I will share...the good the bad and the ugly. Let me start with the ugly. This is not a great looking dish as I prepared it for the first time. It is uneven and dark in places because I let it sit too long on 1 side. I needed to turn the heat down and let it cook more slowly, but I was HUNGRY!
—Glazed Ham, 1Cup diced
—Eggs, large, 4 ea.
(Click below for instructions)

—Sauté ham giving it a bit of brown color, in a heavy, non-stick sauté or frying pan on medium heat (NOTE: I started on medium-high which was too hot because as I placed the eggs in, one side cooked too fast.) The ham will add a bit of fat, but I would spray with pan-coat.
—Add the eggs to the ham and stir violently until you have an even mixture of eggs with the ham.
—Cover and continue cooking, but keep an eye on it. You may want to turn the temperature down depending on your stove.
—Uncover and flip. This can be hard if you didn't use a nonstick pan and some pan-coat spray. One way is to place a plate upside down over the pan and with your hand holding it in place, flip it over onto the plate. Then slide it back into the pan. Let cook for a little more. (Another Note: If your eggs are done, just leave it on the plate! No need to return to the pan!)
—Eat! This would probably serve two, but alas, I was alone and hungry.

This would be a great dish to add spinach, tomatoes, onions, bacon, or sausage to as well. It is easy to scale up or down because it only has 2 ingredients. It is also customizable to whatever you have on hand as long as you always have eggs on hand, which you should. I will make it again, with the lowered heat and adding some other things, but it was all gone when I finished.😊

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