
Earl Cooks Milk Poached Eggs on Toast

Some of my earliest memories of my mom are her cooking breakfasts for us, which she did every school day. She always had oatmeal available, and usually eggs. On special days she would make waffles with bacon cooked right into the waffles. Back then all I remember having, and maybe all she could find was Mapleine flavored syrup, which she made fresh and served hot. I was an adult before I ever tasted REAL maple syrup, but with REAL butter and REAL bacon, I was fine with what we had. Occasionally we had some Log Cabin syrup, but it was served cold and didn't melt the butter nearly as well. But this post isn't about what she fixed us, it's about what she fixed herself...almost right up to her last day on this earth. She loved MILK POACHED EGGS on toast! I don't remember her ever giving any of us even a taste. After we were all fed and the dishes cleared, she would pour some milk into our electric frying pan and make herself her breakfast treat. I love eggs. I love eggs runny. When "Turkey" and I were on a cruise to the Caribbean a few years ago, I ate poached eggs every day. When I have tried to poach them myself, normally, or with a microwave, I have not been successful. They were never as good as my dippin' eggs (steamed), so I figured why bother. But I was thinking about Mom and wondering if there was something to the milk poaching that made them egg-ceptional (sorry, just had to). so here are the directions and the results.(Read More below)

—I began with a heavy 8" pan, on medium high heat
—To the pan I added enough milk to immerse the eggs almost completely
—All the chefs seem to agree that fresh eggs are the way to go for poaching, so I bought large AA cage free brown eggs at a really good price. (When I was young, we had neighbors who raised chickens and for years most of our eggs came from them. These are from the grocer, however). I added 2 eggs to the milk when it was simmering, 1 at a time. I cracked them into ramekins and gently lowered them into the milk, trying for the bubbling areas.
—After a few minutes...long, slow minutes, very little had happened. With a spoon, I gently tried moving them to make certain they had not become stuck to the pan, and they had not.
—Finally, with my slotted spoon, I removed the egg to the toast made from "Turkey's" homemade bread. They seemed a bit under-cooked for poached because the whites were not totally opaque, but they were set and were perfect for a sunny-side up egg.
—I added fresh ground pepper and salt and as you can see the yolk was nice and runny!
While these were fine, I found them not as good ad the the steamed eggs I have been making for decades and more work. Love you mom, but I now know why you didn't do these for us! By the way, the pan was a MESS! The milk scalded and made a crust on the bottom of the pan!

Stay tuned for my Salsa Verde Poached Eggs in a Tortilla Bowl!

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