
Okay, I May Have A Problem...

Six of these 8 stores got me
to buy something this week
"The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that it does exist."
—Zig Ziglar
I am sure I have a problem, but I may not want to solve it! I LIKE SHOPPING! I really like shopping for DEALS! Not the run of the mill, everyday deals, but the true, almost one-of-a-kind find that makes you come back for more. I am placing the responsibility exactly where it belongs...MY MOM! It may be a gene she passed on to me, I don't know. I do know that it mostly applies to food and cooking. I have to work up the courage to NOT buy a good deal when I see it. If soda pop is on sale, people see my cart and ask me if I am throwing a party or filling vending machines. 

I have a refrigerator that is broken on one side so it only freezes, which is great, because I have a whole bunch I have to buy, so it serves as our deep freeze.

There are other culprits enabling my addiction. We are poor and I haven't worked in over a year, so the budget is tight. Of course I have to find deals and I can't find them if I don't go looking for them! When I worked at Wal-Mart, I saw the deals, but now I have to go look for them. The great thing is, I don't mind! I read the ads and find what I may be in need of, otherwise I may lose out. We rarely run out of anything...but I generate more leftovers than we can easily eat.

My wife (a.k.a. "Turkey") won't shop with me. She thinks a list of more than 3 things is too long. I think lists are for WIMPS! I walk the entire store and grab what we need from memory (guess how that goes), which gives me a change to find deals and items I didn't even know I needed.

My #2 daughter thinks we don't throw anything away, and that is true for items that might find a useful life down the road. Some might call us pack-rats, my family calls me cheap, I think of myself as FRUGAL, but I can't see myself wanting to change any of that!

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