
Earl Cooks takes a New Direction on Father's Day 2019

Me In IMC hospital bed (they became VERY uncomfortable)

I don't normally post pictures of myself on the site. This father's day, however, I  found myself in the hospital with a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes! How does this relate to In almost EVERY way! I now have to watch EVERY aspect of what I eat and drink! The first food to go was one of my favorites Grapefruit Juice! Other juices must go too, except another favorite V8.

Why grapefruit? 2 reasons. Fruit juice is sweet and can cause a spike in the blood sugars. Second, Grapefruit of any kinde can wreak havoc with STATINS, medications for High Blood Pressure and blood thinning, a new addition to my medicine cabinet this week. 

V8 Has about ⅓ the CARBS so it is acceptable, although I think most dieticians want to harvest your own food, to be fresh. My journey is taking me a different direction. I want to modify my foods and recipes to be much like what I normally use/cook. I may change this as I go on, but for now I want to eat what I want to eat, with minor adjustments, rather than radically change my diet to accommodate my new challenges.
Fortunately, two of my favorite foods, bacon & eggs, are high in protein and low in carbs, so in one of my first meals I made Hard cooked eggs, bacon and a new addition to my diet "Dave's Killer Bread". It has carbs, but it also has 21 whole grains! And by-the-way, it tastes great!
My wife thinks this breakfast has the look of a face, and I put everything on the plate, into mine! I seasoned the eggs by dipping them into four different seasonings. Trader Joe's "Everything But The Bagel" seasoning, a new favorite, and one I discovered pre-type 2. Black Himalayan Sea Salt, Ground Sea Salt and Fresh cracked pepper.

This is a process, not a project, and one that will last my lifetime!

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