
Earl Cooks Plastic Poached Eggs - the EGGSPERIMENT

I have struggled with poached eggs.
  1. Because I love fried (steamed) eggs
  2. They take more effort and time
  3. They don't always work
But everywhere online and on TV the chefs want and use POACHED EGGS.
A few years ago, my wife (a.k.a."Turkey"), and I were on a Caribbean cruise and the meals were terrific. One of the passengers had a poached egg, I tried it, and I loved it. So much so that I had one for every breakfast after that, but I never thought much about about it until 2 things happened:
  1. My dear mother, who poached an egg in milk for herself almost every day burned her pan and I bought her a new one, which she wouldn't use for fear of burning "that pretty new one". She passed away almost a year ago, and the last meal she requested of my sister included a poached egg. and...
  2. I found several videos on YouTube showing easy or foolproof ways to poach an egg.
This is the one I found most intriguing because it made the egg hold it's shape perfectly. It worked! And here are the steps:
  • Start with an empty ramekin. This will give you the shape
  • Line it with heat resistant plastic wrap. Almost any that will work in a microwave will work here.
  • Spray the wrap with non-stick spray. Add salt & pepper.
  • Now crack a large or extra large egg into the plastic lined ramekin.
  • Draw the plastic together, eliminating as much air as possible and twist plastic and secure with either a knot, a twist-tie, or as I did, with a small metal clamp. (these steps pictured above)

  • Bring a pot of water to a boil and and turn down to a simmer. I live in a mountainous region, and our home is about 4,400 feet, so water boils at a lower temperature, about 180℉, not 212℉, as at sea level. You want it simmering, not a hard or rolling boil.
  • Once the water it is at temperature, gently set the plastic wrapped egg into the hot water. Allow it to simmer for 4-6 minutes. 

Shown  Above: The perfectly shaped and
perfectly runny egg on a toast round
  • Move it occasionally with a slotted spoon, and when done, remove and eat! 

This method works great and would be especially good if you were preparing many poached eggs rather than just one. You could poach and refrigerate the wrapped egg for later use and just drop back in some warm water to reheat but not long enough to cook.

 I will still fry/steam my eggs for most uses because they work almost everywhere poached eggs do, but if you were doing several Eggs Benedict for a brunch, this would work very well.

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