
"Turkey" Cooks Scallion Pancakes & Brownies from Scratch & Earl Eats Them!

A Marvelous thing happened this weekend..."Turkey" (a.k.a. my wife), got a cooking bug! I was a main recipient of the bug, and happy to eat. She started with brownies from scratch, then made scallion pancakes and finished the weekend off with her terrific homemade bread. This is particularly good for me because I don't bake! I don't bake for a couple of reasons:
1: I don't like to, and
2: I am not particularly good at it. All that measuring and weighing and following directions, then lastly
3: My wife all but prohibits me from doing it! She doesn't like me using her tools, appliances or ingredients.

I am starting this post with what I think is one of the undiscovered gems, at least by us—Scallion Pancakes. But before you reach for the maple syrup, this is a SAVORY pancake, and popular at Chinese takeout restaurants, though I had never had it until we saw the recipe on TV.
(for the complete recipe follow this link to my prior post) Scallion Pancakes Recipe 

Starting with a simple dough, rolled flat and covered in scallions, then rolled tightly into a log, and rolled into a snail shape, it is flattened out into a pancake and placed into a cast iron skillet and cooked a few minutes on each side until you have a brown & crusty, multi-layered gem. Add the Asian dipping sauce and this is special. I guess most eat this as a side or accompaniment, but it was filling enough to be more than that. And for us, it was.

My next "Turkey" Treat was Homemade Brownies. These are not your everyday brownies. My wife only likes brownies if they are frosted! This is not your everyday frosting, mind you, this is frosting from Heath English Toffee chips, melted slowly on top of a chewy, chocolaty bed. The great thing about this is the recipe is from the package! 

My final treat for the weekend is my favorite, and a weekly occurrence, but one I never tire of..."Turkey's" Homemade bread! I told my daughter, who is trying a low-carb diet, that this bread is the reason I couldn't do a diet like that. I would miss not only the taste but the aromas that fill our home from the minute she starts mixing in the yeast to that moment the hot, buttery goodness envelopes my taste-buds making them jump for joy! It is a process that  creates anticipation that does not disappoint, bringing everything promised and more, and every time I eat the loaves of love, whether in a sandwich or simple toast, I flashback to when the mixer was whirring and the bread was rising. Sights and sounds unlike anything I am able to create with my own efforts, except perhaps, when cooking bacon! And so, the sounds, smells and TASTES of the weekend were wonderful!

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